Magnets have two types of poles. They are called north and south. Some times magnets attract because north and south meet. Interestingly, magnets can repel too. Magnets repel from each other, when south and south or north and north meet. This is because they are the same sided. Did you know that the earth is like a giant magnet? This is because there is a geographical north pole and a geographical south pole.This is a bit like a magnet because a magnet has a north and south poles too.
Magnets can attract. Attracting can happen when the north and south pole meet together. The two poles are different so they are getting attracted to each other. These two are the opposite of each other so if they aren't the opposite they would repel.Try putting two magnets together with one the south pole and the other north pole the magnets will quickly get together.
Magnets can also repel.Repling can happen when the opposite of attracting happens. Repling happens when north and north or south and south meet together. There is a special air force to keep them apart.If you held two magnets and the poles were the same it would be a little difficult to put it together.The magnet will try to turn around so it can try to attract.
Sometimes some magnets can attract to other magnets. Interestingly, no magnets can reach south if the side of the other magnet is south it would repel and try to move to the north side and that would be the same with the north pole.
Only a few things can attract to a magnet, here are 2 types of metal that can attract to a magnet they are Steel and Iron. Try putting some nails next to a magnet, the nails can't hold on so they get on to the magnet.
So know you know a lot about magnets.Hope you enjoyed learning a lot about magnets.